About Atlas Scribe

Alternative Author & I.T. Wizard

 As an Alternative Author, I seek & geek to provoke thought, inspire experiential curiosity & exploration, and broaden the literary & experiential landscape by pushing through my so-called boundaries with a cutting edge of consciousness and embracing expansive creativity thus offering fresh and/or refreshed intriguing insights into identity, culture, and the human experience (shit though it may be at times!).

My Alternative Author outlets include books of course! as part of my Ass Souls Rule's School curriculum, podcast, speaker, retreats, musical parodies, and any other outlets that I feel like adding simply because it'd be fun to experience (with you directly or indirectly) or to express my creativity & wordplay playfully through. (I love wordplay.)

 I am making the mayhem of emotional & experiential manure magical, mirthful, & meaningful!!! 

Ass Souls Rule is my fun framework to playfully empower you with knowledge acquisition, emotional & personal growth opportunities, & I.T. skill development.

I am THE Wizard of Ass Souls Rule, I.T. technical expert in experiencing & recycling emotional & experiential shit. I empower you to transform these obstacles into opportunities for growth via my innovative emotional & experiential waste management & sanitization systems equipping you to recover, renew, and sustain a joyful and playful life.

I create & facilitate cathartic experiences & resources for those seeking to morph the mayhem of their emotions & experiences into magical, mirthful, and meaningful manure so their emotional hygiene challenges are overcome & their emotional system flow is grounded, calibrated, and empowered.