Catharsis for the Curious
Atlas Scribe is an emotional & experiential shituational and navigational guide via her Ass Souls Rule experiential gaming framework created as a guidance system for you to develop the abilities:
- to find the magic, mirth, and meaning of playing Ass Souls Rule with your Ass Souls in what Atlas calls the Ass Souls Rule game of life
- to be playful with your curiosity about why all this shit happens and exploring what isn't bullshit for you
- to figure your shit out & how to own your shit (your power) through playing with your Ass Souls and by exploring your Interfacing Technology aka Interfacing Tech Magic (for kids with Acer's A.P.P.S.)
- to playfully live & experience your life with a shitload more experiential shit savvy than you do now
- to change your Actual Sources of Suffering in Everyday Society (A.S.S.E.S.) into Actual Sources to Savvy Experience Subtly (A.S.S.E.S.).
- to recognize and play with your Ass Souls including the emotional & experiential shit they spew
- to stay calm in stressful shituations with Ass Souls, to rest & relax while playing with & amidst your Ass Souls because we're surrounded by Ass Souls... will Ass Souls Rule your life?
Will you let Ass Souls Rule your life, or will you seek, geek & tweak I.T.? Will you seek & savvy & play with your Ass Souls? Will you keep taking their shit and/or creating your own? Will you turn your experiences into manure to advance yourself?
Everyone lacks Ass Soul detection, mitigation, & survival skills -- adults, young adults, youth, teenagers, & kids (everyone!) alike -- and lacks knowing & understanding why all this experiential shit happens.
Shituations abound with Actual Sources of Suffering in Everyday Society (A.S.S.E.S.) and the emotional & experiential shit they exude thanks to their emotional constipation -- abusive families/relationships, bullying (at any age), toxic work environments, etc. causing all sorts of experiential Emotional, Mental, Physical, Aggressive, Transactional, and/or Hostile Shit (E.M.P.A.T.H.S.) which is all part of the Ass Souls Rule game funny enough. (But not funny when you're experiencing such shit!)
Ass Souls Rule is Atlas Scribe's contribution to making one's life experience a little less shitty given all the shit she's experienced and somehow turned into the wisdom of manure via Ass Souls Rule and making good art as an Alternative Author. If she survived previous encounters with the Ass Soul kind & is now playing with her current crop of Ass Souls, then so can you.
In case you're looking for something for kids, please check out Acer's A.P.P.S. for kids of all ages empowering & teaching kids of all ages (& I mean ALL ages) all about this lightheartedly.
Atlas, Wizard of Ass Souls Rule