About ASR

Pain Point Ass Souls Rules is Addressing

Ass Souls Rule seeks & geeks exploring answers to these questions based on Atlas' experiences of suffering all kinds of shit, bullshit, and everything within the crack:

1) WTF is really going on in life behind the scenes?

2) Why does all this shit happen?

3) What isn't bullshit? 


Atlas investigates the age old riddle of the experience of suffering thanks to social, relational, cultural, familial, business, etc. shituations and/or interactions involving any and all types of Ass Souls.


 Ass Souls Rule's Entertainment Value

 Ass Souls Rule is making the mayhem of experiential manure magical, mirthful, and meaningful!!!

Ass Souls Rule entertains with its personal awareness development & personal-I.T. development resources for playfully working out personal experiences of shit in the framework of The Game of Life, entertainment for kids of all ages with Acer's A.P.P.S. for kids, as well as offers entertainment in the form of learning experiences and/or letting shit go experiences.

Playing with Ass Souls by making the experience of such shitty shituational encounters of the Ass Soul kind into personal manure to grow from & letting shit go to lighten your load is a form of entertainment. Letting shit go may or may not include letting Ass Souls go out of our life ceasing exposure to their entertaining bullshit thus making room for new entertainment opportunities.

Life is an entertaining choose-your-own-adventure experiential story.

Are we not entertained experientially by playing with Ass Souls in The Game of Life?


Origins of Ass Souls Rule & Acer

Atlas Scribe recognized and finally accepted that assholes rule as she kept encountering them everywhere! She couldn't get away from them no matter what in every part of the world she visited or lived in. Some in the newest batch she encountered used different tactics than what she knew before and thus had a zero day exploit advantage, while a few others used variations of the familiar. They're f'n everywhere and there's no way to stop encountering them!!! 

The name Ass Souls Rule came to Atlas in rudimentary form while contemplating her plethora of asshole experiences and Robert Sutton's The No Asshole Rule book. She realized -- no, assholes rule! Her wordplay turned assholes into Ass Souls while writing You're a Magician...& You Just Don't Know I.T. and solidified when she added wings to a donkey picture. This made her laugh a lot. And still does. She played with the concept of Ass Souls Rule & mocked up the logo. She hired an incredible graphic artist to take her mock-up and make it awesome after the first graphic artist turned into yet another Ass Soul experience. Thus came the name Ass Souls Rule and its logo into existence.

Life is a stage, as Shakespeare said, and Ass Souls dump a shitload of quite a range of entertainment (a performance or event designed to give attention to maintain in a certain condition, treat in a certain way). How do we play within the play in this playground -- The Game of Life?

Acer came about as Atlas contemplated what she could create for kids dealing with Ass Souls -- bullies, abuse, etc., which is suffering and conflict essentially. Acer herself is based on the Ass Souls Rule logo per Atlas' request to her awesome graphic artist, and Acer's name came from speaking an acronym as a word: Ass Souls Rule > ASR > Acer.